the important patterns

Hair mineral patterns offer deep insights into health and disease, lifestyle, movement in one’s life, and many other aspects of human and animal life. Studying the patterns, in fact, teaches one so much about the body and mind that it is one of the most rewarding studies imaginable. Most people are skeptical about the hair mineral patterns. However, our experience with over half a million tests over about 40 years is that they are usually valid, and extremely useful. The patterns listed here are some of the more meaningful patterns we see with our clients on their hair tests and so we'd like to share them here to give you an idea of how we interpret what we see on a hair test.

slow-mixed oxidation

The best way to calculate the oxidation rate is to evaluate two ratios on a hair mineral chart. These are the sodium/magnesium ratio (Na/Mg or the adrenal ratio) and the calcium/potassium ratio (Ca/K or the thyroid ratio). If one of these ratios indicates fast oxidation and the other indicates slow oxidation, the pattern is called mixed oxidation. This pattern is fairly common, temporary, and usually a short-term condition of the body chemistry. There is often a mixture of symptoms of both fast and slow oxidation. Learn more

Sympathetic dominance

Sympathetic dominance is one of the most important and most interesting patterns seen on hair mineral analyses.  It has to do with the autonomic nervous system. The pattern is called sympathetic dominance because a person with this pattern is overusing the sympathetic nervous system. This pattern is always characterized by either: 1. A slow oxidation rate AND a potassium level of 4 mg% or less. 2. A slow oxidation rate AND a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 3 to 4. Learn more

slow oxidation

This is a state of body chemistry in which there exists a reduced adrenal and thyroid glandular effect. This is often not revealed on blood or other tests. About 85 to 90% of adults have a slow oxidation rate. Very few babies and small children have a slow oxidation ate. On a hair mineral analysis, slow oxidation is satisfied when there is a calcium/potassium ratio greater than 4 AND a sodium/magnesium ratio less than 4.17. This metabolic type is characterized as being in an exhaustion stage of stress, according to the stress theory of disease proposed by Hans Selye, MD. Learn more

Four Lows

One of the most important and interesting patterns on a hair analysis is called four low electrolytes or four lows.  Its discovery and how to handle it is one of the most important contributions to modern health science by Dr. Paul C. Eck. A four lows pattern is present on a hair mineral test when the hair levels are the following:
1. Calcium less than 40 mg% or 400 ppm.
2. Magnesium less than 6 mg% or 60 ppm.
3. Sodium less than 25 mg% or 250 ppm.
4. Potassium less than 10 mg% or 100 ppm. Learn more

Fast oxidation

This is a state of body chemistry in which there exists an enhanced adrenal and thyroid glandular effect.  This is rarely revealed on blood tests but can be assessed from a hair mineral analysis. On a hair mineral analysis, fast oxidation is satisfied when there is a calcium/potassium ratio less than 4 AND a sodium/magnesium ratio greater than 4.17. This metabolic type is also characterized as being in an alarm stage of stress, according to the stress theory of disease proposed by Hans Selye, MD. Learn more

Calcium Shell

One of the most important hair analysis patterns discovered by Dr. Paul Eck is a calcium shell. Dr. Eck defined a calcium shell as a hair tissue calcium level above 200 mg%. We have refined the definition as a calcium level of 165 mg% or more in women, and 155 mg% or more in men. This pattern is unusual because it depends upon just one hair mineral level. The levels, ratios and patterns of all other minerals do not change this. On an initial hair test, a calcium shell usually indicates psychological withdrawal, the presence of trauma, and perhaps overwhelming stress or a very sensitive body. Learn more

Step up pattern

This pattern is not seen too often, mainly because the people with this pattern do not usually live long enough for us to correct it.  This is usually a fast death pattern. It is associated with a tendency for a heart attack, in particular, or perhaps a vascular accident such as a stroke. It is also associated with arteriosclerosis, angina, cardiac arrythmias, and perhaps malignancy and diabetes. It is an acute and chronic stress pattern and an inflammatory pattern. It is a running away. It is fast and reckless, the opposite of step-down pattern, which is slow but sure. Learn more

Double Low Ratio

Double low ratio pattern consists of a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.5 and a calcium/magnesium ratio less than about 5. The lower the Na/K and/or Ca/Mg ratios, the more extreme the pattern.  It is essentially a doubling of a low sodium/potassium ratio. This means it reinforces the meaning of a low sodium/potassium ratio. It indicates frustration, resentment, hostility, low electrical potential of the cells, kidney stress, liver stress, cardiovascular stress, and blood sugar stress. It is also a give-up pattern. The person may feel shattered and just wants to give up and die. Learn more

Step down pattern

In some interesting ways, this is the opposite of the step up pattern, and appears this way visually. Instead of steps ascending to the right, it appears as steps descending from the left to the right on the hair chart. Other names for the pattern are coming back to life or stepping into life. The pattern is defined as: A slow oxidation rate. A double high ratio pattern. This means the Na/K ratio is above about 5 and the Ca/Mg ratio is greater than about 9.5. We find step down pattern is more common in women. The person is often very determined to move ahead in his or her life, in spite of some fatigue or exhaustion. Learn more

Basic Burnout

‘Burnout’ refers to nutritional depletion of the adrenal glands.  However, it is also a more general term that refers to lowered energy, lowered vitality, and a poorer overall state of health of the body.  It is a somewhat general term, but we define it precisely using hair analysis.  It is useful to explain a person’s symptoms and even a person’s psychological outlook. Among the many symptoms are fatigue, often unrelenting no matter how much sleep a person obtains. Another is depression. Others range from low blood sugar, anxieties, skin problems, headaches, chronic pain in the body, brain fog, mood swings, mind racing, insomnia and others. Learn more

Four Highs

Four highs, sometimes also called four high electrolytes in older article by Dr. Eck and myself, is one of the most common and important metabolic imbalances seen on hair mineral analyses.  It is seen mainly in adults, and more commonly in women. Four highs pattern is present when all four of the following conditions exist on one test:   1. Calcium level above about 40 mg% or 400 parts per million 2. Magnesium greater than 6 mg% or 60 parts per million 3. Sodium above 25 mg% or 250 parts per million, and 4. Potassium greater than 10 mg% or 100 parts per million. Learn more

The Hill Pattern

One of our favorite patterns on a properly calibrated and designed hair mineral chart is the hill.  It is a powerful indicator of healing at a deep level and greater joy. A hill pattern on a hair mineral test is present when the Ca/Mg ratio is less than about 4.5, and the Na/K ratio is above about 4.5. It is a joy, celebration or completion pattern. Visual patterns on hair mineral charts are a fascinating study. In this case, the first four macro-mineral bar graphs on a hair chart, only from Analytical Research Labs, have the appearance of a hill or mountain. Learn more

Three Lows

The hair analysis pattern called three lows or three low electrolytes was not part of Dr. Eck’s original work. However, it is an important hair analysis pattern. It may also be named overwhelming stress, skidding, one foot in the tunnel, or almost four lows. It is a common pattern. The pattern is present when three of the four major electrolytes -calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium– are below their ideal values, and one of them is above the ideal. As the name implies, this pattern indicates some degree of adrenal exhaustion, and that a person is moving towards a four lows pattern. This is very important because four lows is a collapse. Learn more

Three Highs

This pattern on a hair analysis is surprisingly similar to a four highs or four high electrolytes.  I will offer some observations that have been made about this pattern to date, since it is not a pattern that Dr. Eck discussed at any length that I recall. The pattern often combines with other patterns such as sympathetic dominance, fast or slow oxidation, and others. It is always, or almost so, a slow oxidizer under stress or secondary alarm reaction.  The exception might be if the calcium level is low and the other three macro-minerals – magnesium, sodium and potassium – are high. Learn more

The Bowl Pattern

The bowl pattern is a common pattern seen on hair mineral analyses. The pattern is defined as a combination of a low sodium/potassium ratio along with a high calcium/magnesium ratio. This pattern is associated with feeling stuck, mentally and emotionally, as though one has few options. One is “in the thick of it” right now. To understand this pattern, consider the two ratios that it consists of. A low sodium/potassium ratio is associated with exhaustion, chronic stress, and often frustration, resentment and hostility. This is associated with defensiveness. Learn more

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Hair Analysis Patterns by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

Disclaimer! All information on this website is only the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. Nutritional balancing is a method to reduce stress on the body. It is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any health condition.

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